Bøgedal No 666 Oak
Type: Imperial Stout - matured with oak for 6 months
Hops: Pearle, Nugget & Northern Brewer
Spice: Raspberry, pepper, muscovado & oak
Alcohol: 10% Brewed: 23/10 2019 Bottled: 6/6 2020
All bottles are numbered
Vinous in the nose. scent of light anise, young oak, sweet tobacco, apricot & muskovado. Taste: It has a fullness and yet a lightness: Dark rum, black pepper at the end of the note. Well balanced, vinous and devilishly GOOD.
Pairing: Pheasant, wild duck, hares, real wild pig with cabbage, chestnuts, pigion apples. Oyster.
Bøgedal No 700
Type: Dark Oaky & Strong matured on oak in 7 months
Hops: Pearle, Nugget & Northern Brewer
Spice: Pink Pebbercorn, muscovado & oak
Alcohol: 7,9% Brewed: 21/10 2020 Bottled: 2/6 2021
Vinous in the nose. scent of light anise, young oak, sweet tobacco, apricot & muskovado. Taste: It has a fullness and yet a lightness and a well balanced & vinous.
Pairing: Pheasant, wild duck, hares, real wild pig with cabbage, chestnuts, pigion apples. Oyster.
Bøgedal OakAged 2021
Type: Dark OakAged on 250ltr PX Sherry oak for 6 months with oak chips
Alcohol: 7.8% Brew No 654/655 Brewed: 3/4 2019 Tapped: 11/3 2021
Nose: Oak Tobacco leather prunes muskovado sugar Taste: Stout with depth and oak notes. Dark bitter chocolate, tobacco, leather, prunes & muskovado sugar. Should stand a little in the glass, like a good glass of wine. Develops first a deep malt bitterness, then in a crunchy bitterness and finally sweetness. Pairing: just to be enjoyedd approx. 14 days later. Then the barley is floormalted at Bøgedal. The hops were picked in Bøgedal's hop garden and used as dry hops so all oils come with it.
Special Edition Box
3 beers and high storage value
Bøgedal and Fary Lochan have, in connection with "Den Gule Folkefest", created 3 beers. They all start from the same Stout. It is the storage that makes them different. It's about. 948 bottles of each beerThe dotted jersey 36.5 cl / 10.5% Tastes like Irish coffee smells. Full body, whiskey, coffee, muscovado sugar, tobacco & a barrel acidity
The yellow jersey STOUT x smoked WHISKEY 36.5 cl / 10% It tastes like a cubacigar smells. Full body, fruity, chocolate, sweetness & whiskey
The Green Shirt STOUT x RUM 36.5 cl / 9.3% aged in a Hampden rum cask from Jamaica. Excellent with flavors of dried fruit, chocolate, muscovado & rum
Bøgedal No 372
Type: Dark Vintage - Dessert beer
This beer has been stored in bottles for 7 years and an excellent thick liquid very comfortable and balanced beer is getting better every year. Should it be compared to something, it's a vintage sherry and should be drunk in the same way. The rest sweetness is large and it should be served in small glasses. In the nose you have ripe black olives, cantaloupe and almonds. And on the palate a large creamy full-bodied taste with great sweetness and notes of marzipan and bitter almonds.
Pairing: Dark chocolate desserts, Crepe Suzette with orange and almonds, Nougat ice cream or filo dough with caramelized content.
Bøgedal Rum'N'Dark No 725 - udsolgt
Dark Stout with Jamaica Rum
Other: Oak luck, muscovado & rum
This Ale is fresh with a hint of the Caribbean, roasted cereals, dark fruits and sweetness. The Rum is not permeated, but it is just as comfortable in the aftertaste along with the dark Muscovado. It is excellent with a taste that just keeps evolving. It has a powerful nose with notes of coffee and Caribbean spices. The taste is overall soft although it is a strong stout.
Pairing: Cajun kitchen and Caribbean spices and Jerk species on meat and on the grill will be perfect.
Sold in 75 cl bottles
Bøgedal Oakaged Rum Stout
Type: Stout aged 8 months in 27 year rum cask from Jamaica Hampden Estate Hops: Northern Brewer, Perle & Nugget Alcohol: 10.1 % Bøgedal N° 726 Brewed: 20/9 2021 Tapped: 31/5 2022
Sold in 36.5 cl bottles
Dark Velvet
Type: Dark Golden Ale aged for 24 months in 200l. Jamacia Lond Pond Rum cask 2000-2020 with added raspberry & 3l. Sour'ish 6 Alcohol: 9.2% Bøgedal N°658 Brewed: 23/6 2020 Bottled: 21/6 2022
Sold in 75 cl
Stouts • No 700, OakAged RomStout, 666Oak, Rum`N´Dark, OakAged 2021 & No 372 →
Strong Ales • Bøgedal Bøgedal, TripleOak & No 707 & No 666 Triple →
Sour’ish • Drue Sour, Citrus Sour, No 12 & Rom Sour →
Golden Ales Organic • Gylden Karamel & Gylden 1 →
DarkAles • Mørk Muskovado & Økologisk Trap’en →
PaleAles Organic • FlowerHop, FlowerPower, Nectar & Hvede →
Bøgedal Stout’ish
Type: Dark Stout - 100% Handcrafted
Other: Oat flakes, muscovado
3% Older beer: Bøgedal No 589 and OldAle
Creamy soft and round stout with slightly burnt notes like toast with butter. There is fruitiness as from dark dried fruits and a scent of malt and chocolate.
Pairing: Drink alone or with Slow Food, red meat, grilled pork, wild boar, chestnuts, braised pork with balsamic acid.
Bøgedal Old Ale - sold out
Type: Dark Ale
Hops: Pearl, Fuggles and Northern Brewer
Added: 10% Booster
Dark harmonious beer with a full body and a cream-colored foam. A good mature beer, where all the taste impressions are balanced against each other. Taste of coffee, caramel and English licorice and leather balanced by the sweetness.
Pairing: Drink alone or with Slow Food, red meat, pork, strong cheese and dark rye bread.
Bøgedal No 625 - sold out
Type: Dark Mosaic - 100% handcrafted stout
Hops: Nugget, Mosaic & Northern Brewer
Other: Oat flakes, muscovado & licorice
A taste bomb. Nose: Licorice, acid, cough syrup, Spanish dried grape wine, coffee and dark chocolate. . Taste: Dried dark fruits, caramel, oak, sherry on oak, good residual sweetness. A full-bodied and well-hopped Stout with a good strong finish. It has a strong nose with notes of licorice,
Pairing: It just needs to be drunk and enjoyed… dark chocolate in all forms, danish traditionel Christmas Ricepudding , creme brulee, young red chees, baked figs.
Bøgedal no 600 - sold out
Type: Anniversary Imperial Stout
Other: Beniano Cocoa beans from wild trees, licorice, chilli, oat flakes & muskovado Bottled: 30/1 2018
An anniversary beer with all Chilie, cocoa, oatmeal and muscovado sugar-all added in moderate amounts to give fullness and depth. A fracture explosion in the glass and in the palate; Spicy, mild Chilie, which spills a little and oxygen with acid. The taste is extremely comfortable, spicy, dark, moderately bitter, completely freshly refined cane sugar & fresh cigar tobacco hung up in a tobacco tray on Cuba for fermentation.
Pairing: It's just to be drank and enjoy ... But grilled meat can also be served ...